5 min
How to Accelerate Your SOAR Program to Full Speed in Less Than a Year
Here are some reflections and advice about setting up a SOAR program, through the lens of one practitioner's successful and innovative year.
4 min
Deploying a SOAR Tool Doesn’t Have to Be Hard: I’ve Done It Twice
Here are some lessons learned launching and steps for success when launching a SOAR tool for the first time.
1 min
Maximize Your VM Investment: Fix Vulnerabilities Faster With Automox + Rapid7
The new Automox plugin for Rapid7 InsightConnect closes the aperture of attack for vulnerability findings and automates remediation.
5 min
4 Fallacies That Keep SMBs Vulnerable to Ransomware, Pt. 2
In our second blog in this two-part series, Datto Inc. CISO Ryan Weeks outlines the third and fourth fallacies that perpetuate ransomware risk for SMBs.
5 min
4 Fallacies That Keep SMBs Vulnerable to Ransomware, Pt. 1
In this two-part blog series, we will present four common mistakes SMBs make when thinking about ransomware risk.
5 min
Guest Post: Lurking in /lib
This is a guest post from a long-time Metasploit contributor and community
member. Over the next few months, Rapid7 will be publishing a series of guest
posts featuring unique perspectives on Metasploit Framework and highlighting
some of our community’s favorite functionality, hidden gems, and backstories.
Want to contribute an idea or a post? Reach out to community[at]hongjiuchina.com.
Back in my day, you could get dinner, dessert, and ride the trolley home all for a nickel. Oh, and we used SVN for
2 min
Guest Perspective
NIST Standards and Why They Matter
A primer on implementing NIST recommendations by guest author Matt Kelly